In partnership with

Sim U Labs

SimulEYE University - Adria 2025

October 23 - 25 2025

KSAVER EVENT HUB | KSAVER 196A, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia 

For the First Time in Europe! Pros Logistics Medical and SimulEYE are honored to invite you to the first regional SimulEYE University Adria.

Our mission is to provide you with a premier surgical training experience. High-quality equipment and top surgeons allow SimulEYE University to redefine how the ophthalmology industry comes together to train surgeons and improve patient outcomes.

Essential Course outline

This will be an Essential Course to train on phacoemulsification, including small pupil management, capsulorhexis, lens removal and IOL implantation. We will also focus on prevention and management of complications including anterior vitrectomy. Various MIGS devices and laser procedures such as YAG, SLT, and CYCLO will be utilized—stay tuned and save your spot today to catch all the details as we finalize the full course outline here.

  • The price for a three-day registration fee, which includes lectures, professional educators, unlimited eye models, three days of education and practical exercises, as well as scheduled breaks with food and refreshments, is €3,000.

  • All employees of Clinical Hospitals, General Hospitals, and University Clinics are eligible for a 10% discount on the registration fee upon recommendation from the head of their clinic or hospital.

Cost: 3.000 €

For the First Time in Europe!

The place where top surgeons train.


  1. Realistic artificial eye models for all types of eye surgeries

  2. "Dry lab" training in a relaxed and safe environment

  3. Innovative technology enabling precise surgical simulation

  4. Experienced educators providing expert support

  5. Development of surgical skills without risk to patients

  6. Suitable for ophthalmologists of all experience levels

Organizing Committee

Professor Nikica Gabrić , MD, PhD (CRO)

Professor Miro Kalauz, MD, PhD (CRO)

Professor Vladimir Čanadanović, MD, PhD (SRB)

Stuart Stoll, MD (USA)

Franc Šalamun, MD (SLO)

Vesna Cerović, MD (SRB)


Join the waitlist!

In partnership with


Savska 41 (posl. zgrada Zagrebčanka) Zagreb 10000 - Croatia