CyPass Implantation

The Technique

While the Cypass device has been discontinued, this model shows the realism that allowed surgeons to practice implanting the device into the suprachoroidal area. An actual cleft was created during implantation and helped to demonstrate the anatomy and correct placement of the device. This model has also proven useful for surgeons wishing to practice explantation or excision of the proximal end of the device.

The CyPass Model

This model is specifically designed to allow practice with the CyPass Micro Stent implant from Alcon. The eye provides a realistic angle with identifiable structures that can be visualized with a gonio prism and the use of viscoelastic. The CyPass device can then be implanted in the suprachoroidal space and tapped into proper position at which point a small cyclodialysis cleft may be seen. Multiple CyPass devices can be implanted in each eye before the model is consumed and the devices can be easily retrieved from the model. The SimulEYE® CyPass models are best used in conjunction with the SimulEYE® MIGS KIT which provides the necessary Base Unit to support the eyes and a platform to simulate the turned head position which is required for visualization of the angle during MIGS surgical procedures.


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